Hwang Chin-i Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Blue Mountains Speak Of My Desire

Blue mountains speak of my desire,
Green waters reflect my Lover's love:
The mountains unchanging,

Do Not Boast Of Your Speed

Do not boast of your speed,
O blue-green stream running by the hills:
Once you have reached the wide ocean,
You can return no more.

Oh That I Might Capture

Oh that I might capture the essence of this deep midwinter night
And fold it softly into the waft of a spring-moon quilt,

I Cut In Two

I cut in two
A long November night, and
Place half under the coverlet,

Jade Green Stream

Jade Green Stream, Don't boast so proud
of your easy passing through these blue hills
Once you have reached the broad sea,

I will break the back of this long

I will break the back of this long, midwinter night,
Folding it double, fold beneath my spring quilt,

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