RoseAnn V. Shawiak Honesty Poems

Honesty Through The Silence Of Musical Notes

Loyal and loving in every measure of rhythm as music tickles our fancy, feeling intense beats as they are freed within each of us honesty coming through the silence.

Notes lying back, waiting for the excitement to grow, twilight, stars, taking this mind into the curiosity of what may be happening in the future where we're headed on this sunsetical horizon.

Disclosing Honesty Of Music

Moments arising constantly, atmosphere building itself
through rhythms as the disclose the honesty of measures
of music as they let loose and everyone takes notice.

Desperate For The Return Of Honesty

A breath of fresh air fills lungs, mind and heart with a
new beginning, wandering freely throughout this temporary
life, seeking facts, solutions and confirmations of truth.

Preferring Honesty

Listening to people, watching their faces, looking
into their eyes, seeing truth or lies touching my
mind, instantaneously.

Essence Of Honesty Appearing

Silhouettes of patience standing about, allowing their
purposes to be found out, shaking the very fibers of
destiny now jiving with coded rhythms.

Honesty Replacing Truth

Watching honesty replace the figment of truth which has
outlived its usefulness, it's now equated in lies and
illusions because of corrupt individuals in government.

Reflecting Honesty

Honestly reflecting days of youth, before a lie was
told outright.
Past ages sprout from truth, bringing out young men
who follow pathways of righteous knowledge.

Melodies Of Honesty

Picking up tones of a lifetime, as I walk down
little trodden pathways, left to be overgrown
with remainders of life and it's dying breaths.

Harmonies Of Honesty

Stomping and rocking earth with many rhythms, melodies,
and harmonies filled with the honesty of our lives.
Finalizing steps to continue finding our way, holding
onto morals and ethics of old, stepping up to the plate,

Awaiting Honesty

Testing mercurial waters, tepid with energy, sitting
on sides of evaporative atmospheres, taking whatever
can be held in mind as I walk alone.

Musical Honesty

Musical honesty filling my mind with it's truth,
tantalizing imagination's depths,
challenging intuitive creativeness,
bringing about an altered consciousness for timeless moments.

Listening For Genuine Honesty

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