Harlan Milleret Poems

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Ode To Mother's Day

Ode to Mom, it's your special day.
The time to reflect on the past, and look to the future ahead.
You are 'special' in every sense of the word.
You have always been there for us, in our time of need but, now is the time for us to be there for you.


As time passes by, I am reminded that my feelings for you grow deeper like a Phoenix rising from the ashes and souring until I reach the inevitable that is the sky

And once I reach the sky, there is no limit to what can or will happen; perhaps I will take you to the moon, where astronaut Neil Armstrong took one small step for a man and one giant leap for mankind or to the sun, where we can work on our tan

Broken Heart

How does a heart break?
It sounds strange but, it actually happens.
I have a broken heart.
Its not because I physically broke it but, someone has 'emotionally' damaged it.

Curse Of The Non-Attractive

Being the one, who is not attractive is a 'curse.'
What do I mean its a curse? I mean just that.
Not a 'curse' in a hellish or deadly way but, rather 'I wish I was attractive like most of my female friends.'
How jealous am I of such a beauty, Ill never obtain, no matter how hard I try.

Love Or Something Else?

She 'loves' me but, not the kind of love one would expect
Her 'love' is far complex to define however, if one were to actually describe, one could say her 'love' is something else.
What is this something else? No one quite knows for sure but, it is safe to say that her 'love' is special to me.
Her 'love' is the driving force that makes me the person you see before you.

Heart To Heart

I want to have a 'heart to heart' with you.
To get something off my chest that has been bothering me.
What bothers me? The fact that you are generally there for me however, I know you can't always be there at precisely the moment I need you.
To 'love or not to love' is the question? It is the answer for which I lack however, when I answer it, you'll be the first to know.

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