Fred Tarr Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Here on lookout point,
demarcation of three states,
this spare, slim elbow of land
gloved in a demonstration of green convergence

Poem For The Statehood Of North Carolina, November 21,1789

later version 10/19/03

Here on Lookout point
demarcation of three states,

Perpetual Care

The driveway of Floyd McCauley
is flooded by the Museconetcong

and outside tonight,

Taking Aunt Jessie To Morganza

the hot dog man lives in a fool's paradise,
grins Cheshire at the mistake of the world. booly-boo!
in Butler Pa. outside the hot dog palace
in 65' he stopped us, shouting

Poem For The History Of Marriage (For Chris Hand)

Think of it this way:
the three boats and in each, the families.

the square sterns come and go at the dock.

Braille Of An Alliance

After six weeks of poetry and fiction at the YWCA
people don't know what they've written
even if premiered on the worksheet.

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