Fred Odom Poems

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Stretching My Luck

There I was sitting on bed's edge
following strenuous stretching mandated by
my 5th lumbar to avoid surgery. It will come to pass
anyway in time, I think.

The Woods Before Snowfall

Into the woods I traveled
Where a divergence of road has been reported
Requiring a decision be made
Knowing ahead lays deepening snow,


In the nightmare,
The pool party invite said clothing optional
But meant ‘casual’ or ‘California casual.’
I wore neither. Things went downhill from there.


My meditations led me to a pool of water
So still and clear it mirrored the clouds and sky
And surrounding trees in perfect form.
At its edge I carved my name in its water with my finger

Are We

Sails billowed on the tall ship's double masts
Propelling the schooner out from the harbor's mouth at sunset-
Its filled canvases, a reflected glowing palette
Of sunset sky's explosive reds and pinks and yellows and oranges.

Letting Go

I, I fear...
I fear my vehicle is on its last ‘legs.'
It has a terrible cough when prompted to life in the morning,
When it deigns to turn over at all.

The Invitation

In the nightmare,
The pool party invite said clothing optional
But meant ‘casual’ or ‘California casual.’
I wore neither. Things went downhill from there.

In Mourning She Came

In mourning she came as from the night
her garb revealing sadnesses borne
from absent loves, entangled lives
from time and times before

Branches In The Sun

I sit on my garden glider
On the north end of my yard
Under an open lattice roof overhead
On a small meditation deck

An Uninvited Guest

Despite internet search engines reports to the contrary
And without heed to the "No Vacancy" sign clearly lit
And flashing to advise all travelers,
Shiva checked in to my life

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