Abdul Wahab Fear Poems

Oh! Moon I Fear You Not

Oh moon I would bow down
Or straight I would prostrate at your feet
If you could make me a poet
All day long I would

Where Is My Mind Without Fear?

Once I was
dangerously desperate

bold like an ox and
strong like steel


At the dead hour of the night
I was shaking with severe cold
It was not fever when I checked
An uncanny fear gripped my soul

Fools Live In Fear, Braves In Love

If we have gold we are in great fear
If we don't have anything we are in danger
And the sage says love is full of fear
Completely blind and has no reason

Strange Fear

Strange Fear

In my yard have grown an idea
Like people grow the seed of weed


কোথাও যেন রেখেছিলাম গুঁজে
খুব সযত্নে
যত সব না পাওয়া গুলি
সোনার সুতলি দিয়ে বেঁধে

<≪≪ You Do Not Fear I Know

You do not fear
I know
yet there is a lingering desire inside
To have a hand over your head

Fear Of The Unknown

The bird of the light
On its golden wings
Takes you on a flight
To visit a place where

>≫I Fear Myself Most

In this world of danger
I fear myself more than anything else
In course of changing
I never know when my mood swings

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