Fasica Berhane

Fasica Berhane Poems

Do I really have to?

Do I have to act good,
to make you love me?

I will never be a broken heart

I got love for myself
The greatest love of all

Nothing is forever,
nothing stays the same
Everything changes through time,
even one's a bad name.

Who is dead,
and who is not?
who is to die for,
and for what?

As a child and adult,
I sought my passion to be divergent.

Common things are a turn off,

What I gave you was pure love,
Pure care,

To live is to give,

all that you have,


And I Celestial

I'm not my body anymore,
cause my body follows my feelings,

The Best Poem Of Fasica Berhane

Do I Really Have To?

Do I really have to?

Do I have to act good,
to make you love me?
Do I have to pretend am perfect,
to make you fall for me?
Or should I hide every part of me,
for you not to judge me,
or hate me?

Well, love me or hate me,
I'll be carefree,
It'll be just me.

I'm not going to act around,
to what wouldn't represent me.
Am not going to try something foolish,
that couldn't be me.

It is not because I hate you,
not because I love myself,
It is just that I am me,
and nothing or nobody
could ever change me.

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