F.L. Racca Sr. Poems

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Missing You

Seconds pass me wayside
Words forgotten as though untried

Minutes arise without reservation

Within My Own Prison (2)

Here I linger;
For here is where I’ve been cast into a prison
Of my own being…
For it is here I have been left


The nights are cold and long when you are not here
The only thing that exist in my heart and soul,
are the hours of memories from our days gone past.
For those memories which remain forever within me

You Are My Dream!

Somewhere someone went to sleep and dreamed us all alive; was that you or was that I... My, dream is where my thoughts are for one moment in time of yesterday; my dreams are my visions as I wonder through this eternity of night only to find that you are not there… So as I lay here asleep, and dream within another dream of what was yesterday or what may have become of tomorrow… What I see is unfocused and uncertain, but yet I hear your voice speaking ever so quietly near as if an angel in heaven was speaking… It’s as though you are near my dream, my thoughts and my emotions, but still yet so untouchable by my eyes… Within this very dream I frantically search throughout for that one touch to know that you are real and not just a memory from within…
As I turn to your voice I see a dream deep inside my fear of being… There you stand posed in a metaphor of your existence with your eyes restlessly focused on me as I lay here breathless just between waking and that place we dream… At that moment I reach out for you in hopes to obtain your thoughts, your memories, and just touch your gentle soul… But as I glance into your eyes; I hear your voice say in a softly spoken whisper as though not to wake me…
You Are My Dreams!

Being In The Rain

We stood there face to face as the rain came down.
I looked at you with your eyes of luscious brown.

You shivered from it being cold, windy, and wet,

To Remove My Demon

I’ve traveled deep throughout my shattered existence
just to forget your persecution of my damned soul…

I’ve silenced the mysterious voices of your demonic ghost

My One And Only

Sounds of sensuous sweet music wonder in my mind
As though you are in my presence of time.

I close my eyes, and yet through the far distance we are apart,

Never Enough Time....

Time here amongst you is now less than few,
For my fate is now written upon this stone of reality for all to review.

My thoughts pass by, as if they shall never return,

Love Undone....

Look through this pain

Behold only that creation


Another dawn and the sun has risen across the horizon
As the loneliness quietly stirs my soul again
Sitting, watching, listening as my mind begins to drift away
No other voices heard, only those within my own thoughts

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