Elizabeth Middleton Poems

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What Is Death?

-How do we view birth?
As the beginning
-What is school like?

Color Me Not

Tears of frustration pour down her face,
She can not figure out her place.
Her eyes see no color.
Not black, white, yellow, nor brown.


You Left Me, But You Didn’t

You left me, but you didn’t.
You are gone and I cannot find you.
They tell me you left for a better place,
But you are not really gone see,

A Fox's Point Of View

The frozen snow crunched under he weight of my paws. Overhead, the grey clouds threatened to dropp a blistering snowfall, one of the last of the season. The South winds were blowing and the birds returning. The blue waters just past my hiding spot meant fish for the coming summer. I sat on the edge of a cliff peering over a small bolder, and watching the scene play out before me.
My family hid close by, waiting for my return with their breakfast. A hunter lay off to my side perusing his own prey. “Why does the white man hate me so? ” I wondered, “back when I was a cub, the dark humans were kind to me and my kind. Now, these white men come with guns, and tore my family apart. “ Previous to that same year, I had spied them in their own dens wearing the skins of my parents on their heads!
All I had wanted then was to live without the man of white. They had taken my pack along with my joy and light. Even with what little I had left, he lay there planning to take it all away. I was not going to allow that to happen again!
I jumped out of my spot and acted as if I was afraid of the sight of him! This got the chase started. This got him after me, but I wanted to test him and see how badly he wanted my skin! I ran straight for the white birds that had served me well many times before. They would make him dodge and duck until he got tired and finally, he would give up the chase. After I had thanked the birds for another victory, I had thought I was safe, but I was a fool.

From Underneath The Trees

As I lay here beneath the trees,
I watch the dazzling stars as they perform their dance of light.
They sparkle as if in celebration because they know!
They know that for me the world has ceased to spin,

Hydrothermal Vents

Hydrothermal Vents
Powerful, Life Giver
Billowing, Growing, Exploding
Underwater Oasis

Money Makes The World Go ‘round

Starting in perhaps you own hands,
A dollar encourages you to take a turn.
You spend it on another drink as you always have,
Unable to stop the urge.

Little Voices

The soft voices of adults' whispers tickle my neck as I listen and learn my first words.
Now, younger siblings tug and pull as they gain attention with their own voices.
Friends are great through school years, but mother says their voices are too loud.
Going to weekend get-togethers with the same family with the same annoying voices.

New Worlds

While creating in the meadows,
You dream a dream of innocence,
Worlds are created and disappear in the same breathe.

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