elf robert chadis Poems

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Danvers Beach

i used to have a swift-lizard and a marmozet.
one day i came home to find the marmozet standing on the refrigerator
holding the body of the lizard like an icecream-cone,
having just swallowed the head.

Six Word Science Fiction

venus in furs. mass achoo! cold.
witches were aliens! bible saved us!
new research proves we fall in.
human race started by time travelers.

Poem Of Everything

Basically we think in harmony with what i call Cosmic Abstract
Relationship - - the source of everything, including dark matter, life
beyond our grappling imaginings, fractals, strings, knots and a sphere
outside that dances with gravity; before big bang and after


twas in the month of january, the year was 54, when i said to jack and daddy that i would like to be at camp next summer a counsellor for to be.
but then i thot i might bechange me plan and other job to take.
i mentioning it to daddy he flew into a rage and swore he wouldnt pay for college if to camp i would not go.

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