Dwayne Bailey

Dwayne Bailey Poems

Breaking the chains of addiction,
are never easy at best;
For these chains are wrapped all around our thinking,
alwys putting us to the test.

Gas prices are killing me,
taking so much of my pay;
So I can have just the basics,
like getting to work each day.

Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus,
the most precious name I know;
His love and mercy follows me,
where ever in life I go.

Looking back on 2007,
as the final seconds are ticking away;
I realize how lucky I am to be alive,
and how blessed in heart I feel today.

As I step back and evaluate my life, i notice things that once were hid;
I notice the mean nasty things I'd said, the ugliness of things I did.
I notice that when I was mad at my God, my heart became bitter and cold;
As I step back and look at my life, I watch hardships as they unfold.

Does it really matter what your religion is;
Or the color of your skin?
What church you attend on sunday,
or the neighborhood you live in?

Pitch black outside, ten below zero,
Man I am freezing cold;
My age is starting to creep up on me,
and boy am I feeling old.

What do I want for Christmas?
I will see if I can explain;
It's really nothing fancy,
but it's also nothing plain.

Life it feels is closing in,
maybe Im close, to the bitter sweet end;
I truely feel I, am getting quite old,
I find myself tenitive, where I used to be bold.

March its seems for now,
is how long we are going to wait;
Before we get to know,
what is the health, and my daughters fate.

Back, quite a few years ago,
lived a man named Jesus Christ;
He was'nt mean and rough, he wasnt full of gruff,
all he had to offer was life;

So I guess this is goodbye; Divorce papers in hand;
Our seperation is final, alone I now must stand.
This brings to me no joy, my heart is heavy with sorrow;
How will I stand today? How will I face tomorrow?

When two people say I do,
they become apart of another family;
Often times the transitions hard,
and there is hostility.

I have found myself in a battle,
deep within my mind;
A battle of good and evil,
one thats ruthless against one so kind.

Daily I struggle with my faith,
has my God turned his back on me?
For I feel so all alone,
my eyes they do not see;


God has truely blessed me,
yes this is so true;
With a loving family,
thats as special as you.

Sometimes I just sit and ponder,
what the true meaning of lifes all about;
Try and figure out my insucurites,
and the reason Im so full of doubt,

You've always stood there by my side,
though impovished we may be;
You've never once complained,
or placed the blame on me.

I kneel down before you Lord,
thanking you for another day;
For all the joys and blessings,
that are coming my way.

Why does this thing that we call time,
which fills us full of fear;
Mean so very much to us
and grow so ever dear?

Dwayne Bailey Biography

I am a poet who love to write. My poetry is a collection of poems written through various stages of my life. My poetry is a great realese for me and a way to give a voice to the things I feel inside. Not all my poems apply to where I am today in life; However I keep them together as a record of my journey. Thanks for reading.)

The Best Poem Of Dwayne Bailey

Chains Of Addiction

Breaking the chains of addiction,
are never easy at best;
For these chains are wrapped all around our thinking,
alwys putting us to the test.
We think we can find that one weak link
and live our lives as we choose;
In the end we find it was just a ploy
and our sobriety is what we lose.
The only true way to break these chains
is with the help of our higher power;
Giving us streangth and courage
to live each and every hour.
For with the help of our higher power
us slaves to addiction are free!
And the things we have are the things we need,
Love Peace and Sobriety!

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