Dernell Antoine

Dernell Antoine Poems

The first time I was, introduced to you
I got hock on the first use
Your love was a drug that got addict to
If I did not get it, I will not know what to do

Butterfly fisses with a touch of love
you give me an idea of what your hearts'mabe of
then i look in your eyes and what i see
is all the sweet ways you want t love me,

Someday like today i had a dream
A person who would make my life wonderful.

Who would make my years excited,

Dreaming of you tonight
and ill be holding you tight
giving you love with all my might
and in my dreams there is no such light.

It's the simple things you do...
and i see love in you
you open my eyes to a new start...
when i saw your compassion will not stop.

Dark and sweet feelings
Inside my heart is having
From your creamy soft touch
And tasting of your love is so delicious

I can never forget what you are worth
Most valued person on this earth
Someone that always been there for me
Lifted me up and kept me up like coffee

Today is another day we celebrate
a sweet moment in our lives
A moment in which my love approved to you
once more at this day.

What i hold inside is kindness and love
that was given to me from above
to show you all my feelings
for your heart to get healing.

That one touch
of your smooth skin...
makes me throw my old feelings in the bin...
and i hope new feelings will come in.


I wish on this valentine
to be making love many times
to a person i care alot about...
for my love you will not doubt.


It is not hard to do
for me to say i love you
because your beauty is alive
that's why i want to make you my wife.


You are like a open book
that i can read clearly
that of letters are in bold
which spell you and me.


My journey to love you seems to be blocked by a wall
but we can brake it down
because my love for you is real even in my dreams
and still i cannot resist your beauty.


I care for you
I will be there for you
in good times or bad


Why me i asked myself so many times
for the most beautiful person i knew
so long ago...


A lover is someone who loves,
and will take care of you...
who loves you for you.

At nights your eyes
look like the full moon at the lake
where i first saw your face.

It's time for me to pay for a crime,
the crime of loving you.

Lock me up and throw away the key,


You are love which i hate to even blink...
to miss out on your beauty,

You are worth living for,

Dernell Antoine Biography

I was born and raised in Trinidad. Ever since i could remember writing poems was my hobbie. I also like love songs and going to the gym. To you poets out there once you have love you can write anything that comes to your mine or the feelings in your heart. These poems are to make you see how special your love truly is. In these poems you will see it is a wonderful gift inside these words. It will show deep hidden feelings you always try to hide inside. Poems will show love is beautiful especially if you are in love and then you will feel and understand the magic.Sad to say i am in LOVE with superman because of his powers so i belive that i am the lover version of him i am the body savior.)

The Best Poem Of Dernell Antoine

You Are My Addiction

The first time I was, introduced to you
I got hock on the first use
Your love was a drug that got addict to
If I did not get it, I will not know what to do

You give me an obsession to want more
My heart starts to race when your beauty I saw
At times, I thought I lost my mind
Because the love you give to me was a different kind

My addiction has became very strong
It turned from wanting to a powerful crave
Now I can say that I am love’s slave
So you are my mistress from night till dawn

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