David Bottoms Comments

I once had an Anthology of Poems book. It had a poem by David Bottoms in it about a dead body floating. Wonderful poem but I cannot remember the title. The poems were from the 1980" s I believe. Wish Mr. Bottoms would find it for me. Thank you.

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Warren Falcón 07 April 2014

Synchronicity this a.m. when finding your poem Kelly Sleeping in my inbox via Poem-A-Day of poets.org and then open Poemhunters here and see your name on the list of just published poems on the site. Moved by the Kelly Dreaming poem I shared it on my Facebook page...and now there are all these to read and savor. The title alone of In A U-Haul North of Damascus evokes or is a poem all by itself. Happy to have discovered your work. All the best.

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