Dark Fallout Poems

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On This Beach...

</>Life is a beach.
There are jellyfish. And sea urchins…the painful bumps along the road that we all encounter in life. On this beach.
In life..and on a beach there is warm water-like times, when we are happy, and have good times and enjoy living. On this beach.
We also have times, like a beach, when we have cold water times; when we are sad, or upset about losing someone or something. On this beach.

Shadow Of The Sun

</>Empty conversations full of words with no point…
Happy statements that hide what is real…
Long talks that betray nothing of the past…
Days on end of words exchanged…but no insight to the truth...

Through It All...

</>Through it all…his strength was abundant…
Through it all…he has stood strong…
Through every obstacle…he never gave up…
Through everything…he has prevailed…

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