crystal lambert Poems

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My Description Of A True Friend

A true friend is always there.
A true friend is someone who shows they care.

A true friend is someone you can always trust.

My Rap

I wish I could describe this feeling,
The relief of my heart healing,
I said I would move on,
‘Cause you’re just a con.

A Fairy Tale

She sat there all alone,
Tears rolling down her face,
All she hears is people moan,
How she’s just a hopeless case.

There's Nothing I Can Do

Never got the courage to come and tell you how I feel,
Just couldn’t find the strength to let my emotions spill.
Always saw you walking past,
No-one’s ever put a smile on my face so fast.

Promise Me

You make me the happiest person alive,
Because with you in my life I know I can always survive.
I’ve never felt this way before, not for anyone but you,
This is why I’m so sure that our love is true.

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