Christopher Correia

Christopher Correia Poems

Something’s strange about the wind today
Foreboding dead leaves gathering around me
Black birds flying in tight circles, after wormwood
Rushing clouds, like ghosts of some ancient army

Music of the violin I was suddenly hearing

Breaking the silence of four in the morning

Amy is alone, but not lonely
Floating naked on the buoyant sea
Needing no mortal to take her
To the places she wants to be

I’m alright, but what about you Stacy?
You seem so far away lately
Heard you’re feeling a little down the last little while
So I decided to drive by your house just to see you

The Best Poem Of Christopher Correia

Alien Sky

Something’s strange about the wind today
Foreboding dead leaves gathering around me
Black birds flying in tight circles, after wormwood
Rushing clouds, like ghosts of some ancient army
This blue eyed alien sky holds no sunshine for me
Only sackcloth, ashes and the sound of weeping
Arrows fly down and sink into my flesh
Bleeding out pain till I have no breath left
Melting to invisibility my soul can just ascend
Leaving my dry bones behind to find, and bury
I look to the ancient fables for comfort
Offering my tears and high brow thoughts,
In ardent protest,

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