Carey Lenehan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Obama And The Fly

Come into my parlour, said Obama to the fly,
lurking on the outside,
and the fly, with five points to every eye, stepped inside,
treading carefully

Pcp (Political Correctness Pill)

I pop it in my mouth, this political pill,
feel it fizz on my tongue
and the back of my throat go numb,
Feel it whizz in my bloodstream

On The Eve Of War

by Carey Lenehan © 2002

We're bringing chaos to your lands,
with loaded weapons in our hands

Poles Apart

We ran in the same streets, but we walk in different worlds
You and I, poles apart, thinking, not thinking about
understanding each other,
no chance of ever, seeing eye to eye

Agnostic Revisited

I looked for it in Church, this thing they call Faith.
The arches were pretty, the air was still
but in the dusty gloom
of all those criss-crossed chantrys,

Moments Like These

Moments like these
A sunny day
Rare as a North Pole flower
Birds alight with song

Legacy Of Man

Our children were gifted this world...
what a world we are leaving for them...
How do you sleep at night,
for I,


Soldiers, soldiers, everywhere, with no good wars to fight
How do you flex your muscles, the weapons of your might?
Where do you go to kill these days, false enemies in sight?
How do you earn the wages paid? Through false created blight?

War On Terror?

Hunt on wardogs, seek, scent, destroy
do not try to pretend this is more or less
than a new game, a new toy,


Follow me as I walk onward
And fear not the future
I will lead along safe pathways
And I will look for the chasms

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