Callimachus Poems

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Hymn to Apollo

What force, what sudden impulse thus can make
The laurel-branch, and all the temple shake!
Depart ye souls profane; hence, hence! O fly

Hymn to Jupiter

Whilst we to Jove immortal and divine,
Perform the rites, and pour the ruddy wine;
What shall the Muse, with sacred rapture sing,

When Love and Wine Inspire

If sober, and inclin'd to sport,
To you, my fair one, I resort;
The still-forbidden bliss to prove,

The Bathing of Pallas

Come forth, come forth, ye virgins, and prepare
The bath for Pallas with assiduous care:
The Goddess comes; from yon' ætherial meads
I hear the snorting of her fiery steeds.

The Brightest Beauty of the Plain

Fond Callignotus sigh'd and swore,
'Tis Violante I adore,
The brightest beauty on the plain,

The Death of Lycus

Not on the land could Lycus die,
Nor in his native Naxos lie,
But on the main by tempest tost,

The Death of Melanippus

This morning we beheld with streaming eyes
The flames from Melanippus' body rise;
At eve, fair Basile resign'd her breath,

Embrace Me Not

By mighty Pan and Bacchus' greater name,
Beneath these embers lurks a spreading flame.
Embrace me not; tho' streams in silence fall,

An Empty Tomb

Had never vessel cross'd the main,
Our present grief had been in vain;

Epitaph for Callimachus

Whoe'er with hallow'd feet approaches near,
Behold, Callimachus lies buried here,
I drew my breath from fam'd Cyrene's shore,

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