Bryan E. DeYoung Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Eyes Are Open

Endless regression into dark chasm
have I rode with the reigns of the
demons firmly within my own hands,

Pain Is A Mentor

Cry me a river O feelings of pain,
You have been beside me on many journeys within,
Like a stone your expression is slow in change,
We were born here as one and bound as kin,

Reflection, Who Are You?

Silence Comes...

How still in the moment is a Being upon simply listening...
Thoughts washing away, bathed in precious silence,
the awakening spirit finds grace and humility
hidden beneath a tattered frond ripped


Across the ancient hills of longing,
worn away by time's steady pace
blossom thoughts becoming footprints
that have only to dance in the trickle of the

Faith In All Its Irony

Faith..........., it may begin
as the hallmark of lunacy. For
who could find solace in that which lies
not a rhyme or reason written in stone?


Was it hope that I saw in your eyes in a moment's quick,
cautious glance as we passed on the street?


All Of Everything

They are a thousand, golden-yellow twinkling wavelengths of incantations painted speckled and blotted about in teasing affirmations upon shadows in remission.

Dancing about whimsically, childishly, they seem to bear no worries as they twitter about in the soothing flow of a steady wind lulling even the strangely mishapen branches into a moment's delight.

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