Boston Kelley

Boston Kelley Poems

Peace is what I desire
for my heart lacks any aspect of it.
I am in a whirlwind of emotions
unsure of what to do.

My heart is torn to pieces.
I am pulled this way and that by
contentment and dissatisfaction.
So much do I yearn for someone to

Oh, my dear Emily, your blades have pierced this heart;
I am surrounded by the pleasant fragrance of your love.
So great is my desire to be in your presence,
for every day I long to seek your face.

A lost sheep, am I, who has wandered from the herd;
mindlessly do I travel, not knowing the pathway before me.
Life charters a journey for each soul, yet the journey
I know not the final destination.

The nature of man is but a fickle thing;
an endless mystery never meant to be solved.
Many faces and personalities does he possess;
ownership of numberless thoughts he is given;

Oh, bright shining sun, where have you gone?
Where is your light that once lit up my soul?
Where is your gleeful smile that could turn the
saddest heart into one of joy?

The darkness surrounds me, pulling me in
with its hopeless power.
I fall to the ground, my eyes welling with
sorrow. The tears beg to come forth like

The worldwide web is a great achievement
For it is a pinnacle of human technology,
A means of communication and information,
But, alas, our own wickedness has leaked onto it.

Sadness fills my heart
Grief overwhelms my mind
Melancholy is all I seem to know
And yet I have endured this pain.

What can I say about poetry?
Who could discuss its meaning and variety?
How could anyone describe its various
styles and uses by famous poets and poetesses?

Lord, you want our sole focus to be on you.
Our minds should not be on things on earth
But on things of heaven.
You want us to love you with our whole being,

We live on this beautiful blue marble called "Earth"
Given to us by the Creator.
From its green, lush grasslands
To sparkling, blue oceans,

I look around me to see my peers
I compare my time with theirs
Mine seems so little
While theirs seems so vast

Who am I to say I am worthy of love?
How can I say I will find someone?
All of us have met that one
Who we think completes us.

I look at her and admire her beauty.
I gaze upon her and my heart melts.
My heart starts racing,
Drumming faster with each minute.

All-day long I think about her.
Almost all my thoughts are focused on her.
I cannot turn away from her,
For my heart is attached to her.

She is my beloved, the one I treasure most.
I long to near to be her, to never leave her side.
All my days I want to spend with her.
There is no one to contest with her.

Where has my love for you gone, my God?
My zeal and passion that once burned so bright
Has been extinguished.
I once enjoyed reading Your Word,

O Rising Sun! How you herald the new dawn!
You signal your arrival,
With a colorful stream of red, orange, and yellow.
You bring forth a new day, new opportunities.

As I think of her time moves like a snail.
When I don't think of her,
I am in agony.
I desire to converse with her,

Boston Kelley Biography

I was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas in the United States. I have mild autism that affects my social skills, but recently, I have started getting control over it. I am 20 years old and a Christian, going to college at Oklahoma Christian University. My major is Mechanical Engineering. I have considered writing poetry, but have never given it a serious approach. I like to think I have a way with words and a deep understanding of my feelings which I think it suitable for being a poet.)

The Best Poem Of Boston Kelley

My Singleness

Peace is what I desire
for my heart lacks any aspect of it.
I am in a whirlwind of emotions
unsure of what to do.
If only I could feel calm and experience
tranquility, but it is light-years
from my reach.

Oh, how I wish I could enjoy singleness!
For I enjoy being in relationships.
My peace with singleness is nearly
only appearing in the best of times.
In my pain, temptations after temptation
to satisfy my need charges at me,
and I can only do so much to fortify myself.
I am like a brick wall with the smallest
amount of cement, only having half its
The temptations whisper to me,
encouraging me to seek something that'll
arouse me,
but I cannot give in.

Where is my peace with being alone?
Why must I feel this way?
I struggle with pushing women from my mind,
so they are not my sole focus.
Why should I desire a woman, anyway?
I am clearly not suitable for anyone.

Each day comes, reminding me of my
unsuccessful romantic life.
I ponder when my future spouse will come.
How can she come when I am like this?
If am not ready now, how can I ever be
ready in the future?

Other people have friends to distract them,
while I have none.
I fight this war with only my will
which seems to be failing.
I am a one-man army, facing a seemingly
infinite force.
Who can I rely on for help?
Who can rescue me from this turmoil?

If anyone hears my voice, do not turn
me away.
If anyone knows my crushing pain,
do not pass me by.
If anyone mourns at my agony,
mourn alongside me.

Who can stand with me through this?
Who will comfort me?

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Boston Kelley Quotes

People who choose to turn away from and disregard God, but those who follow Him and walk in His ways will find a rich and satisfying life.

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