Out Of Sight Poem by Denis Martindale

Out Of Sight

The lonesome leopard loitered there,
With nowhere else to go,
High up that tree to coldly stare
At those that didn't know...
While hiding out, what could they do?
That's why he chose that spot,
Not simply for a point of view,
But wickedly to plot...

Nefarious, his middle name,
Yet nonchalant, at rest,
He'd found a loophole in life's game
He was about to test...
A little shade to soothe his soul,
A little sun above,
A little time for self-control,
Before he did his stuff...

His dinner hadn't sauntered by,
He pondered when it would,
For time up there was slow to fly,
In that calm neighbourhood...
Yet pretty soon, he had to snooze,
Though sleep he tried to fight...
Sometimes to win, sometimes to lose,
Completely out of sight...

Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Out Of Sight'.

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