Locked On Target Poem by Denis Martindale

Locked On Target

He's locked on target, fully primed,
A tiger through and through,
With all his instincts honed and timed,
So credit where it's due...
His enemy is death itself,
Survival proves the key,
It isn't simply food and health,
He has his destiny...

Long life for him's no easy task,
No easy ride each day,
For who of us is he to ask
Some help along the way?
Thus life goes on, his prey ahead,
The ambush has been set,
Despite the cost, the awful dread,
His victim's last regret...

He's locked on target, neck laid low,
Dismissed all thoughts of love,
As if a halo once aglow
Fell down to form a ruff...
A fancy scarf around his throat,
Against the stripes so black,
That match his heart, for soon he'll gloat,
If he can stay on track...

Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2012.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Locked On Target'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

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