beau williams Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Heart

My heart was with you
Now it is with some one else
Do not hate me for you have some one else
And all i have is hope and dreams

Precious Sleep

sleep is like a majical time
sleep is were any think is true
sleep is a time were only you have a say
sleep is a precious time to dream

The Love Game

The love game is hard.
The love game is mean.
So why do we play it?
Is it for your own benefit?



Stealing is a theft that people do.
Why do they do it is it for fun?
Is it to help their family?
Or is it just because their greedy?

If Only

If only you where mine.
If only I could call you mine.
If only we were together.
If only I had of said yes when I had a chance!

But I Thought

I thought you said you loved me?
I thought you said you wanted to be with me?
But no I went with someone else.
And you where sick of waiting and found someone else.

The One That Cares Or The One That Doesnt

Who do I go with the girl that is my girl friend?
The girl that teases me and says stuff that isn't true.
Or the girl that i just met and lives an hour away?
The girl that i fell in love with within just a couple days

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