Autum Skiles Poems

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I Cry Alone

Why do you walk with your head always low?
your beautiful, you shine, but why dont you know?

who hurt you so much that you cant see?

Love Lost

I hurt everyday, nonthing takes it away
I see your faces, fragile like Brocken vases
I see your smiles..But, I only know you by files
They took you from me now my dream is gone of WE

They Took My Heart That Day

I cant breathe not knowing where you are
It helps to look up at the sky
and hope we are all looking at the same star
I am alone without you, there is a sad void

Where Is My Heart

I cry alone most of the time
I have nonthing to call mine
my heart always hurts its gone
someone took it the day he did me wrong


There is a pain not few truly know..
it takes you away and drops you low
it will make you question all you are
it will leave you alone, but it wont go far

Tears Lost

Where were you the day I cried?
I was alone, lost, I know I really tried
Did she give you more then I could?
Did you love her more then you should?

I'M Gonna Be Ok

My eyes cry as I sit alone
the tears fall
please tell me why
my heart is full of pain

Lost Here With You

I sit here as you hold my hand, I look at you and see pain and broken dreams
you act like everything is normal, but yesterday you ripped my world at the seams.
I touch my cheek and I wonder what I did to make you so angry
Will I make the same mistake again? do you even know you hurt me?

I Will Never Give Up

I cry alone for you at night mostly
I miss holding you to me closely
I want to hear you say my name
but I am alone..It wont change

I Cant Say Goodbye

I cant say goodbye to you
My heart has tried its no use!
I was so sad this time of year
I am filled with so much fear

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