Austin Gentri

Austin Gentri Poems

If only I could cast out
Throw a rope into the well
And pulling, pulling

The Best Poem Of Austin Gentri

Inspiration On Demand

If only I could cast out
Throw a rope into the well
And pulling, pulling
Lift a child from the depths
Wet and scared like a newborn baby
But shivering, stuttering out
The details of their ordeal

If only I could peer out
Into the bruised purple
Of the starless sky, and see
Creatures in the trees
Furry, fanged beasts howling
Out, and up to a sleek humming ship
Waiting, waiting
And watching from eight eyed faces
Babbling in ticking tongues
While they wait, and watch
The globe below

If I could just
Speak out
Absorb the world, the people, the words
And juxtapose them
With my conjurations
Grind out their bitterness between my teeth
And breathe out
The people, words, and world
A minty puff of air
And a folding nebula
Of silky violet and subtle greens
Forming scenes of celestial dust
To be seen by awe struck eyes
Across the Earth

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