Audrey Heller Poems

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The things we tend to worry about most
often, generally, will never come to pass.
Still, we worry just the same. Being we're
creatures of habit, who else can we blame?

The Other Side Of The Coin

Sometimes I think about getting
older and wonder how will it be?
For time doesn't stand still and
eventually, will catch up with me.


There's really no need to be lonely, for
it doesn't have to be. If you'd give some
thought, to adopting a pet, your whole
life would change, drastically! Having a

Thinking Positive

As each day comes to a close, I'm
grateful all went well. For we know
not, what the next day will bring. For
all intensive purposes, as far as I can

Looking Forward To The Holiday's

Looking forward to the holiday's, with
great anticipation, as I do every year.
When family and good friends come
together, to raise a little cheer, there's


Some things, may appear harder
to tackle, then it actually seems,
you can look it over and think
you'll never be able to do it, in

Saturday Morning

Come Saturday morning, it's a mad
dash to the beauty parlor. It's my day
to relax and have my hair done. It's
become a ritual, where I combine

Make A Decision

Make a decision to be happy with
yourself, forget about the gloom
and doom! Always put a smile on
your face, when you walk into a

Holiday Shopping

Holiday shopping, is an extremely
tedious chore! You get up early in
the morning, to wait on line, until
the department stores open their


There are people who love to travel.
Consequently, it's the only way they
want to live. They don't like being
tied down, for they haven't too much

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