Anna Naumovych

Anna Naumovych Poems

Least said
And soonest mended
Your words are destructive,
Can't you see?

You're a devil in the flesh,
Without a contract take my soul.
Why do you throw me like a trash?
I am a simple, helpless doll.

Birds are flying over the city
So low, as it is a battlefield
They are screaming with no pity
It's a cruel tribute collector's ordeal

On this day, you are here for a while
And have already confused me with someone else.
I need to be dramatic, but I'm not hostile.
I don't want some stranger, all the more regrets.

I am mute only in the light,
I come to life with the sparkle of a candle
I will tell you about the wind tomorrow's night,
It tears the leaves off my soul like a vandal.

I remember you asked me once
What's my idea of the afterlife,
Where the weightless soul runs
When time is running out.

Her nails with blatant blood-red polish
Scratch up your back in the dark
While you think that I am snobbish
I am just your basic quark

You were my biggest,
But pleasant mistake,
My leveled misfortune,
And sweetish fate.


No, you are not the Snake from the Eden's Garden,
Neither demon nor the devil.
You make my peace and senses ardent,
Inspire me, and I forget that I've been careful.

I'm inscribing these lines very slowly
While the cold draft is touching my feet.
Only night is reflected in pupils - I'm lonely,
And the demons are lurking the street.

Anna Naumovych Biography

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The Best Poem Of Anna Naumovych

Fatal Passion

Least said
And soonest mended
Your words are destructive,
Can't you see?
How long, oh God, have I waited:
Such unproductive
And useless thing.

The boiling point
Quite close
I keep myself
In hand
Strained, artificial pose
On my way
To hell.

Without wasting words,
Without telling nonsense,
Without straining cords,
Without making comments.

I had an attack
Of blues
And getting drunk
Was my salvation
But now I have to choose
To keep or junk
My fatal, suffocating passion.

Anna Naumovych Comments

Anna Naumovych 10 November 2018

My Instagram: annanaumovych

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