Anders Sorensen Vedel

Anders Sorensen Vedel Poems

Første Del
Danske Kongers Nafn oc Tal
Hertugen Reed fra Colding
De Longobarders Udgang aff Danmarck

Anders Sorensen Vedel Biography

Anders Sørensen Vedel (9 November 1542 – 13 February 1616) was a Danish priest and historiographer. He translated the Gesta Danorum by Saxo Grammaticus into Danish in 1575, and published the influential "Hundredvisebogen" in 1591. Anders Sørensen was born in Vejle, from which place the Vedel name comes. 14 years old he moved to study in Ribe, and after finishing his education he moved on to Copenhagen University in 1561. In 1562, he was the tutor of astronomer Tycho Brahe on Brahe's Grand Tour in Europe, forming a lasting bond of friendship with him.Vedel started studying at Wittenberg in 1565, which he finished in 1566, and was appointed priest at Copenhagen Castle in 1568. Vedel's historical knowledge was admired by leading politicians including Christoffer Valkendorf, Bjørn Andersen, Arild Huitfeldt Johan Friis and Peder Oxe, and he was seen as the right man to continue Christiern Pedersen's Danish language translation of the Latin chronicle Gesta Danorum by Saxo Grammaticus. He started the translation work in 1570, and the finished work "Den danske Krønicke" was published in 1575. The work was both a translation and rewriting of the original Latin phrases. While working on the translation, he was given the income of a canon at Ribe Cathedral in 1573.After pressure from Peder Oxe, Niels Kaas, and Jørgen Rosenkrantz, Vedel wrote a proposal for a Latin continuation of Saxo's work in 1578 which was finalized in 1581. He was relieved of his priesthood in Copenhagen, and moved to Ribe in 1581. He was appointed Royal historiographer in 1584 and received a prelature at Ribe to support himself, and undertook the task of continuing the Danish chronicle in that year. However, he overreached himself in his attempt to do so. He planned an ambitious work in twenty-two books dealing with both language and topography as well as with history. However other tasks, lack of help from secretaries, his own slowness and carefulness—and perhaps also a general underestimation of the demands of this work—led to very modest results. In 1594, after the death of chancellor Niels Kaas, the task was given to Niels Krag, under Vedel's protestations. He got a one-year reprieve, but could not produce satisfactory results, after which he turned his work over to Niels Krag. Much of what he had written was lost at the fire of Copenhagen in 1728. One spin-off from this task which survived was his "Hundredvisebogen" (1591) of a hundred Danish ballads which became a solid foundation of later knowledge of the elder Danish literary tradition. It was published with the support of Queen Sophie.Vedel's own re-creation of some of the ballads shows his ability as a poet.)

The Best Poem Of Anders Sorensen Vedel


Første Del
Danske Kongers Nafn oc Tal
Hertugen Reed fra Colding
De Longobarders Udgang aff Danmarck
Langbeen Risers oc Vidrich Verlandssøns Kamp
En Vise om de fornemste gamle Kemper
Om Greffue Guncelin
Den første Vise om Frue Grimild, oc Heldt Hogen
Den anden Vise om Frue Grimild, og hendis Brødre
Den Tredje Vise om samme Grimilds Forræderi mod sine Brødre
En Vise om Mester Hildebrand
Vlff Van Jern
Løvens og Kong Tiderichs Kamp
Sterck Tiderich oc Olger Danske
Burman oc Olger Danske
Bermerijss oc Orm Vnger Suend
Svend Vonued
Siuard Snaren Suend
Berner Riss oc Orm Vnger Suend
Mimmering Tandt
Huitting Helfredssøn oc Isald Konning
Liden Grimmer oc Kamper
Tord aff Haffsgaard oc Tosse Greffue
Alff i Odderskiær
Suend Felding
Suend Felding fører Dronning Judte ind i Danmark
Herr Ribolts Kamp med Dragen

Anden Del
Eline Bondens Hustru aff Villenskoff
Germand Gladen Suend
Verner Raffn
Dalby Biørn
Hedebyes Giengangere
Rosmer Haffmand
Den Anden Vise om Rosmer Haffmand
Den tredje Vise om Rosmer Haffmand
Elver Høy
Saa vinder den Suend sin Jomfru
Greffuens Daatters aff Vendel
Erland Kongens Søn tager Eline Vnge Axeluolds Moder til Ecte
Orm Vnger Suend
S. Oluff Konning i Norge
En anden Vise om S. Oluff Konning i Norge
S. Knud Konning vdi Danmarck
Sant Knud Hertug
Kong Erick Emune oc Sorte Plog
Herr Tidmand
Vnge Suercke, Konning vdi Sverig
En vnger Frøicken føris aff Danmarck til Suerig
Koning Valdemar Affferdiger sine Legater effter Dronning Dagmar
Dronning Dagmars Hiemferd til Danmarck
Droning Dagmar spaaes aff en Haffrue, at hun skal dø vdi Barnfødsel
Droning Dagmars dødelige Affgang
Droning Berngerd
Koning Valdemars Fengsel
S. Erick Koning vdi Danmarck
Den første Vise om Marsk Stig Anderssøn
Den anden Vise om Herr Marsk Stig
Den tredie Vise om Marsk Stig
Den fierde Vise om Marsk Stig
Den femte Vise om Marsk Stigs Døtre
Den siette Vise om Marsk Stig
Den siuende Vise om Ranild Johnssøn
Den Ottende Vise
Droning Ingeborg Erick Mendueds
Koning Ericks Tog ind vdi Mekelborger Land
Kong Byrge i Suerige lader tuende sine Brødre suelte ihiel vdi Fengsel
Kong Hogen Hogenssøns dødelig affgang vdi Kirckeuog paa Orckenø
Greffue Gert aff Holsten bliffuer Slagen
Herr Bugge bliffuer slagen imod
Kongens Søn aff Engeland
Droning Margrete Valdemars Daatter
Koning Christofer nedlegger de oprøriske Bønder vdi Nørre Jutland
Koning Christian den Første
Koning Hans Fester Frøicken Kirstine
Koning Hans drager ind i Dytmersk
Kong Christian den Fangen
Koning Frederich den Første Anammes
Koning Christian III
Koning Christians III Christelig Affgang aff dene Verden
Koning Frederich II
Om det merckelige Falckenbergs Slag
Koning Christian IIII

Tredje Del
Spanie Land oc Myklegaard etc.
Herr Jon Rimaardssøns Scrifftemaal
Liden Danued oc Vnge Suend Trøst
Palle, Baar oc Liden, Tre Brødre Dræve Huer Anden.
Nilaus Baggissøn oc brune Herr Erick
Stolt Signild hielper sin Broder aff Døds Nød
Søster spurde hun anden etc
Daatter spurde hun Moder
Herr Thule Vognssøn met sine Brødre
Ieg stod faar min Herris Bord
Herr Vernder vndkommer aff Lindholms Huss
Oluff Strangissøn oc Vnge Haffburd
Herr Offue Bliffuer Slagen Aff Herr Torkild Ved Ydsted I Skaane
Minder Herr Alff, Greffue Aff Tunsbierg Steilet For Helsingborg
Den anden Vise om Minder Herr Alff
De Røffuere ligge for Nordens Skoff
Herr Tidmand bliffuer halshuggen
Erick Pyckessøn bliffuer halshuggen
Hans Schriffuer hand Tiener etc.
Det springer nu saa vide om Land

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