Amanda Rautio

Amanda Rautio Poems

Do you know what it's like to feel alone?
You try to make it look like it's harmless
It feels as if you are all on your own
You feel like the world is only darkness

Amanda Rautio Biography

Hello! My name is Amanda Rautio and writing… writing means everything to me. It is what gives me happiness, it pulls me out of the dark and it keeps me (mostly) sane for the most part. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without writing. I’m going to forewarn you, I don’t typically write poems, but I’ve been encouraged by my English teacher, so that’s what I’ll do! I hope you enjoy them! I have novels posted on Wattpad! My username for that is MandaSixx99)

The Best Poem Of Amanda Rautio

Crushing Darkness

Do you know what it's like to feel alone?
You try to make it look like it's harmless
It feels as if you are all on your own
You feel like the world is only darkness

You wear a fake smile like it's a mask
You end up looking like Jekyll and Hyde
You fail at finishing everyday tasks
But in reality you're dead inside

At times you feel like you'd do anything
For even a little bit of reprieve
And you find yourself always pretending
You stay up to the early morn to grieve

Instead of cutting, you get a tattoo
Because your best friends are no longer true

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