Alexander Onoja

Alexander Onoja Poems

To him who strolled round ancient gates,
in darkness, sun or rain he waits.
Standing with ambition ready to serve,
with his ever ready phrase to calm his nerve.

Just as we sat watch'n the rain drizzle,
ideas of June has ceased; give way to July.
Little children stood watch'n the birds whistle,
but under their roof, their hearts mostly rely.

Tribute to the Asian bird,
gleaming black with a yellowish green bill.
Dotted and bared with white, and eyes red,
flies when the air is lovely and still.

If wishes were horses,
not only beggars, i too would ride.
If it were a river, i would flow with the tide.
When mom left, i was little,

Twas a day after our eighteenth,
sitting i, shaking cobwebs of sleep,
with my thoughts in a ditch so deep.

Hello fear, what is it was told?
Walking this road that's makes me fear,
seeing as secrets unfold,
wild wind makes the afternoon cold,

There are still kids on the street,
sleeping undernourished beside gutters.
With grim faces from summer's heat,
sprawled in the dust beside dumpsters.

Oh Chameleon!
I hail thou reptilian nature spy,
with an elastic sticky tongue,
always ready to catch a passing fly,

Fears, fears; we walked down that path,
of ravening sorrow, or the hand of wrath.
Time flies, hope rises, the old familiar sting,
gaining, losing, gaining and losing everything.

Right from birth, he was a gambler,
either he dies or his mom.
With the doctor act'n as the dealer,
that was the best bet he'd won.

Was 12 when mom left,
when i say left, i meant she died.
To death's ignorance or theft,
was even surpris'd HE cried.

He's a man of honour,
aged but bursting with humour.
He don't deserve a word but phrases,
the one who put smile on our faces.

I woke up and saw me-self in chains,
with new cloths, food, and bed.
A swollen face, my body full of pains,
and swollen lips that bled.

'If you are not too elusive, please recall,
when you were a child, cold in me arms you were enfolded.
You were little, still learn'n to crawl,
you were so brave, you don't fret when scolded.

The sisters are in with'n the house,
try'n to fit in mother's blouse.
The youngest won't smile, the eldest tries,
they are two sisters of same race.

Ode was his name, he was called the Goblin,
his fangs too sharp runs down his lips.
Awaken'd by a witch from his coffin,
he believes he has the world at his finger tips.


She lives in Salem,
ugly, painted-ecstatic sweet.


Immeasurable distance fills my soul with grief,
wilt thou oh Aunty for ever sleep?
Death being a coward, came as a thief,
and causeth a family to weep.

The act of losing is called failure,
but one worst kind of failure is losing a friend.
The act of loving is a good gesture,
but the worst kind of friends are those who pretend.

Its six o'clock says the evening bell,
Priests walk by isle of burning candle lights.
Its unfathomable how their whispered words can't tell,
the reason the Bishop is out of sights.

Alexander Onoja Biography

Alexander is a wordsmith, a dynamic being with a multi-faceted personality allowing him juggle his Engineering discipline alongside a thirsty passion for writing. With so much to give, he doesn't want to be seen, he wants to be heard and by whatever literally means possible. His personal writing quote is; " If there is a pen and a paper, there must be a writer.... Me" .)

The Best Poem Of Alexander Onoja

The Scare Crow

To him who strolled round ancient gates,
in darkness, sun or rain he waits.
Standing with ambition ready to serve,
with his ever ready phrase to calm his nerve.
'All is well' he'd say,
and the locusts and birds hid away,
as he stands guard every night and day.

He'd stood fighting the cobwebs of sleep,
daring the locusts and mocking birds.
Watching the gate he'd swore to keep,
while we snore on our rocking beds.

One night, the locusts and birds attacked,
and he fell to the ground within hours of impact.
We heard him scream
'All..... Well'
'is' or 'isn't' none could tell.
Our bodies deaf to his cries,
he kicked, blinked, and then closed his eyes,
the dark sky crimson as he dies.

The giant gate lay broken,
with motes of dust littered on it.
There was whispered gossips, but none spoken,
of quintessence, of goodness, and of wit

'All is well' although he's dead,
'All is well' with all done and said.

Alexander Onoja Comments

Alexander Onoja Quotes

If there is a pen and paper, there must be a writer

when there is full Moon, mere men run out with binoculars and cameras. while poets run out with pen and paper

Writing is just a cultural habit, what matters is what we write for. that is all!

My friend once told me that the worst punishment any one could ever give to me is to cut off both my hands and legs, and my tongue too. That way i ll not be able to tell stories; But he does not know that my being alive alone is a story. Even in death, i ll still continue my story-telling.

Instead of being a brave soldier, dying at my post with my gun to my neck, i'ld rather be a writer, dying on my table with my pen to my hand.

When ever i try to speak, well mostly when i try to answer questions, i try to be guileless, because when the world and everything turns against me, my Honesty is the only weapon that bears my DNA i could use. The only weapon i could use.

My words needs no disguise, no hat, no cloth, no jewelry or shoes. Does it need flattery? Of cos not. I send them all out raw, innocent and naked just like the way i was born. I believe that means I'm veracious.

Sometimes because of high self esteem, people are transformed to liars. I can not live that way.

There are some you can reach, there are some you can never touch. Don't hope on luck, know the difference before taking that journey.

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