Alex Jones

Alex Jones Poems

It's almost a year and you're still in the obliette of your blue funk. Do you think you have been thrown in that pit of misery and forgotten? I don't forget you, in spite of your assurances 'yes we will always be friends' or ' I'm not ghosting you, it isn't anything personal. I'm just in a funk right now'. It seems we might have changed places. I'm in the obliette. Not ghosted, not taking it personally, simply thrown into the pit where people are forgotten. Obliette, a place of forgetting, a place for the forgotten. Not ghosted, nothing personal, simply forgotten. Friends come, friends go, friends are forgotten.

We never noticed, breezing through life only worried about who would ask us to the prom. A few did take notice of the ones never spoken to or looked at. As they passed by eyes were averted. No one invited them to any event but war. They were invited to fight for a country that didn't even want them. We finally noticed but felt so alone. How could a handful of us make a difference. Suddenly we had brothers and sisters massing together. It was a glorious time.

I came into this world as we all do, with a mother and father. In less than a year my story takes a bit of a turn. She took me from the foster home and made me her own daughter. I never knew another mother. My first memory of a father was when she told me he would be coming home that day and my only thought was 'I have a father, what's a father? ' Then I had a step mother and step sisters. I tried very hard to be like them, act like them, make them love me but I couldn't. Most likely because I was already her daughter and she was my family.

For years they surrounded themselves with music, art and likeminded friends. Parties, music and silly escapades were their life. Laughter and smoke drifted through the rooms of the house, followed by a frenzy of devouring every bit of junk food they could find.

Her young life as an adult had begun but without the maturity of an adult.

I still keep track of some of the students at university
One of them is you
I knew where you had gone but
Intruding into your new life seemed some how wrong

I guess that I will never see
Like Juliet on her balcony
Love at first sight clandestinely
The fates have decided that

I feel a shiver run down my spine
I glance behind me and all around
This fear I feel I cannot define
Do I really hear the sound of soft foot falls behind

I'm waiting for that giant silver bird
It's so giagantic it can't possibly fly
If I want to see the Pyramids
I'll have to trust and give it a try

The Best Poem Of Alex Jones

Lost Friends:

It's almost a year and you're still in the obliette of your blue funk. Do you think you have been thrown in that pit of misery and forgotten? I don't forget you, in spite of your assurances 'yes we will always be friends' or ' I'm not ghosting you, it isn't anything personal. I'm just in a funk right now'. It seems we might have changed places. I'm in the obliette. Not ghosted, not taking it personally, simply thrown into the pit where people are forgotten. Obliette, a place of forgetting, a place for the forgotten. Not ghosted, nothing personal, simply forgotten. Friends come, friends go, friends are forgotten.

Alex Jones Comments

Alex Jones 13 December 2022

As I mentioned to someone else, I don't feel like much of a poet. I can only write directly from what is in my heart and experiences. It s a bit daunting since if feels like showing your diary to the world. Thank you to everyone who noticed. I'm overcome with amazment and appreciation.

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