William Cullen Bryant Poems

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My Autumn Walk

ON woodlands ruddy with autumn
The amber sunshine lies;
I look on the beauty round me,
And tears come into my eyes.

The Rivulet

This little rill, that from the springs
Of yonder grove its current brings,
Plays on the slope a while, and then

The New Moon

When, as the garish day is done,
Heaven burns with the descended sun,
'Tis passing sweet to mark,

The Journey Of Life

Beneath the waning moon I walk at night,
And muse on human life--for all around
Are dim uncertain shapes that cheat the sight,

Hymn To The North Star

The sad and solemn night
Hath yet her multitude of cheerful fires;
The glorious host of light
Walk the dark hemisphere till she retires;

The Murdered Traveller

When spring, to woods and wastes around,
Brought bloom and joy again,
The murdered traveller's bones were found,
Far down a narrow glen.

From: An Evening Revery

The summer day is closed--the sun is set:
Well they have done their office, those bright hours,

The Disinterred Warrior

Gather him to his grave again,
And solemnly and softly lay,
Beneath the verdure of the plain,
The warrior's scattered bones away.

The Crowded Street

Let me move slowly through the street,
Filled with an ever-shifting train,
Amid the sound of steps that beat

The Stream Of Life

Oh silvery streamlet of the fields,
That flowest full and free!
For thee the rains of spring return,

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