Victoria Lam

Victoria Lam Poems

Guarded is the heart,
when tenderness touches the surface,
as water sizzles as it burns.

Temptation, addiction, sorrow, pain.
Darkness lifts as the light burns the tip
of my cigarette.
It folds like an envelope into the tunnel of tobacco,

Give me an egg for breakfast
when I crack it,
pours forth a golden sphere

And when the silver blade slices through my purple skin,
red smoke and trails of blood curl around my vision.

Wrap a scarf of the purest silver
around her black curls.

I am seduced every night,
as black paints over my white desk,
my stained carpet,
cloaking my closet in darkness.

I try to write of happy things,
laying upon my bed, waiting
for the golden light of positivity
to wash across my mind,

The Best Poem Of Victoria Lam


Guarded is the heart,
when tenderness touches the surface,
as water sizzles as it burns.

Bursting into a thousand atoms,
and molecules that whip
through the air like the slap of a belt.

But as the vapor reaches desperately
towards the atmosphere,
invisible fingers of tearful heat licking up,
its melody hisses raw, like freedom.

Dancing with the particles that adorn your face,
caressing the sorrow,
washing away the fresh tears that
fall over the flames.

She is reborn,
from the pain that once engulfed her.

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