Tom Zart Poems

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God's Blessing Of Love & More

What would we become without God's blessing of love
Lonely, depressed, scared, angry and sad.
With no one to yearn for or get excited about
No one to turn to, to keep thankful and glad.

Pastor For The Lord!

I'm a pastor for the Lord
Who created all I love.
A Christian man riding a fast horse
Fulfilled by my Father above.

The Devil Twists God's Words & Desires.

Crying out to God is a spiritual request
Whatever the cause, we seek relief from stress.
Though the problem can be dangerous, painful or sad
As we pray to the Lord to provide and bless.

Patience & Acceptance

From the profound moments to the mundane
Life gives us no choice but to wait.
God wants us to respond with calm acceptance
Though the delay may seem senseless and late.

Messengers Of The Heart

The prize jewels of a Christian nation
Are the messengers of the heart.
How they think is always faithful
For its God who makes them so smart.

Ebola Poem Tears & Sarrow

Tears are the raindrops of the soul
And there's one for all who die.
They are the silent words of grief
As they fall free from the eye.

Faith, Trust, Servitude & Joy!

God loves us so much He will not allow
Those deeds which destroy us, go unchecked.
Our Lord's anger is a gift from heaven to Earth
Of love, wisdom, forgiveness, courage and respect.

God's Heroes

Thank Heaven for the heroes of life
Who lead us to overcome those who are not.
The wise are grateful for all God's blessing
Where fools never realize what they've got.

God's Glory Gives Us Wisdom

To share God's glory we speak from our heart
Of His never-ending blessings from above.
We yearn to do justice to what He deserves
As we preach His goodness, trust and love.

God's Character

Christians yearn to walk the pathway of life
With total confidence in the love of the Lord.
All seek more than we merit by our actions
Or ever on our own could achieve or afford.

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