Muzahidul Reza Sonnet Poems

My heart carries out order is under
My brain, a stout controller, powerful
Had planned a complex project earlier
Sending order to do as potential;

Sonnet - 2: The Sun's Turning Pale Is A Threat In Fact

The sun's turning pale is a threat, in fact
That directly affects solar system
The climate has already been much changed
With known-unknown, acute poisonous fume;

Sonnet - 3: What Civilization You Do Draw Man!

What civilization you do draw, man!
Enlightening some too little candles,
Beneath centuries' deep darkness is seen
Which is engulfing your own existence;


At his arrival the darkness of all sorts got jerked
Began withering away from the whole periphery
He started preaching 'Oneness' to save mankind
From devils' direct and extreme design of devilry.

Sonnet - 4

The output is out of a lot of inventions living
Infesting only some powers and weapons
Pervading the earth and air are circling
Enthused in insensitivity and blushless clash,

Sonnet - 11: The Twenty Three Years Is Not A Long Time

The twenty three years is not a long time
For happening something most significant
To get the details guidance and guideline
Of life leading in a secure environment;

Out Of Desert (Arabian Sonnet)

(Out Of Desert - An Arabian Sonnet)

Out of desert that came out guess him, mind
A golden touch; touched and turned into gold


Whether things will go normal
Or will happen the occult
But always happens universal
Dirt and dust will simply out,

When you love nature, its lover you are
Now you do love its things, features, creatures
Birds' songs, blooming flower, running river
Noisy folks, working and normal dwellers;

Sonnet #902#

Sonnet #902#
March 7, 2024

Allah Rahman aim He's Beneficent

Sonnet-101# War And Warmonger

Sonnet-101# War And Warmonger
October 24, 2023

Oh! Warmonger, you, what do you know? Oh!

Sonnet-98# Where Dreams Come 2

Sonnet-98# Where Dreams Come 2
January 18, 2024

It's the field of telling, hearing stories

Sonnet - 6

I was passing a cheering path once
Trees, leaves, flowers greeted me,
I asked a tree to gift me anything nice
Might be a flower for my little bee,

Sonnet-99# Where Dreams Come

Sonnet-99# Where Dreams Come
January 1, 2024

In the blessings garden blossom from morn

Sonnet #903#

Sonnet #903#
April 2, 2024

Allah Rahim, most, ever Merciful

Sonnet #901#

Sonnet #901#
March 4, 2024

Allah Akbar expose He's the greatest

Now Science Is Blessed With Lots Of Devises
Which More Clearly Demonstrate And Express
God's Oneness And Ownership Of The Universe
But A Section Of Science And Scientists Oppose,

Sonnet - 8

While crossing the border of the eastern region
For some earning and some worldly reason
He stumbled over the invisible wall of hard stone
Neither he entered nor a word did he utter when

Nature teaches humans what are great
And urges to be properly great in mind
High like mountain and sky like vast
Deep like ocean and flat like soil and mud;

Life (Arabian Sonnet)

(Life In Arabian Sonnet)

Life, with body, mind and soul together
Walks the way to destination ever

Sonnet Number - 101

Sonnet Number - 101
January 12, 2019

Lots of black and stone hands have grasped

To Bloom Fully - Sonnet

In 1947 there came out a bud from a big tree
Tried blooming in times to be a full flower
But for being suppressed it took long time to free
Then on 26 March in 1971 it bloomed forever,

Sonnet - 9

Bear body, roofless head, empty stomach
Need a piece of cloth, a shelter, and food
To bring a little laugh at a face is not tough
At a distress, loss, damage and in need,

Sonnet-301# Death Of A Maternal Uncle

Sonnet-301# Death Of A Maternal Uncle
January 30, 2024

Once he bore us on his back and solder

The Short Sonnet For The Satanic Greed

The Short Sonnet For The Satanic Greed
October 28, 2023

Greed for power

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