Michael Shepherd Song Poems

! The Song That Mary Sang

In the stillness of the dawn,
in the stillness of the dusk,
then, my heart is most alive,
there, my soul is most at peace.

0398 The Blackbird's Song

Waking to the blackbird's song -
insisting, so it seems, on something close to joy and praise...
the sun's just breaking through the morning mist;
the smell of coffee and hot bread rolls,

! ! Swan Song

Is evolution wiser than we know?
Are we to believe it nothing more
nor less, than threats, in holy or unholy
alliance with blind chance;

! ! The Song Of Forever, The Dance Of Now

Before the world began… did our Creator
contemplate the way it should begin?
the sweetest way to animate and order
all this glorious whole contains within?

! ! Soul Song: Is This Farewell, Or Simply Au Revoir?

'Soul' – you’ve stood your ground now
for many thousand years; even when
they said God’s dead – and lightning did not strike..

0378 Song Of Impatience And Experience

When two or three
wire coathangers
are gathered together
anger arises.

0273 Something A Song Sing Cummings

if loveliness
says sweetly Yes
says who poets’

Rudagi's Wine Song

I’m writing to you from that blessed place

where desert meets oasis, in Iran

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