Sir Walter Scott Poems

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Claud Halcro's Song

Farewell to Northmaven,
Grey Hillswicke, farewell!
The storms on thy haven,
The storms on thy fell -

Marmion: Introduction To Canto Vi.

Heap on more wood! the wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will,
We'll keep our Christmas merry still.

On Ettrick Forest's Mountains Dun {life In The Forest}

On Ettrick Forest's mountains dun
'Tis blithe to hear the sportsman's gun,
And seek the heath-frequenting brood

The Field Of Waterloo

Fair Brussels, thou art far behind,
Though, lingering on the morning wind,
We yet may hear the hour

Marmion: A Christmas Poem

Heap on more wood! the wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will,
We'll keep our Christmas merry still.
Each age has deem'd the new-born year

Frederick And Alice

Frederick leaves the land of France,
Homeward hastes his steps to measure,
Careless casts the parting glance
On the scene of former pleasure.

For A' That And A' That

Tho' right be aft put down by strength,
As mony a day we saw that,
The true and leilfu' cause at length

Glenfinlas; Or, Lord Ronald's Coronach

'O hone a rie'! O hone a rie!'
The pride of Albin's line is o'er,
And fall'n Glenartney's stateliest tree;

Wandering Willie

All joy was bereft me the day that you left me,
And climb'd the tall vessel to sail yon wide sea;
O weary betide it! I wander'd beside it,

The Crusader's Return

High deeds achieved of knightly fame,
From Palestine the champion came;
The cross upon his shoulders borne,
Battle and blast had dimm'd and torn.

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