Sharon Olds Comments

Catherineh Knudson 19 January 2020

I am making a good pay from home 1900 Buckets/week, that is brilliant, beneath a year ago i used to be unemployed amid a monstrous economy. I pass on God consistently i used to be invested these bearings, and at present, I should pay it forward and impart it to everyone, Here is I started to....++1++

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caley lander 03 September 2019

please write to me, we live in the same place. more or less,

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Melpub 04 April 2019

My favorite poet of all time, apart from the dead white males

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Hannah Jolley 28 February 2016

What are the literary devices in this poem, and some examples of them? Please help.

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Bill Grace 16 January 2012

This woman haunts me and I have never met her! But here are four of her book titles: The Unswept Room, The Dead and the Living, Satan Says, Blood, Tin, Straw She is frankly an indictment of the Poemhunter site because there is no word of which she is afraid. We had her Sex without Love on our front page (Poemhunter) and this has been lost. She has taught me to be a little less afraid and a little more honest in my writing. Well worth an investment of any sort. Bill Grace in San Antonio, Texas

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Judy Meibach 01 May 2010

I have heard a lot about Sharon Olds lately - I would like to listen to her speak or to read - her poem 1954 evoked so many feelings in me - I really loved it - and would like to read more as I could understand her better.

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Pilar Mogollon 12 January 2009

Sharon Olds is absolutely brilliant, her letter to Laura Bush was poetry itself, and honest and I am so glad she refused to break bread with them. I wonder who publishes her poems here, I would like to see the poem Language of the Brag.

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Robert Casady 25 October 2006

I appreciate Ms. Olds' right to have an opinion, but she should do some research: it is not 'Bush's war', it was approved by Congress; the facts behind the decision were documented by virtually every country in the world; WMD were found, by the way. She obviously sees the good in people, but needs to also see the 'bad' in people.... those who are trying to kill us. I know she did not want 9/11, but what does she suggest to stop it from happening again? Does she prefer to see Americans die rather than torture a terrorist who kills women and children. She needs to come down out of her ivory tower.

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Carol Kambanis 15 November 2005

Oh, THANK YOU, thank you for not attending the affair w Laura Bush as an example of discontent with the war in Iraq! ! ! This whole thing is NOT the America I love and have always respected.

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Jillanne Foster 09 January 2005

Sharon Olds awoke me from the buzz of background noise. Yes, there is a poet who sees through more than just their eyes and ears. I let out the sigh for all who feel more.

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Shahadatur Rahman Sohel 28 December 2004

I Like This Website Very Much & This Poem Also

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