RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Food For Thought Messages

Music explaining and also interpreting everything experienced, learned and created in this very poetical mind, giving people the world over food for thought - even enemies of the U.S.A.

Music is a universal language and when writing poetry, interpreting it into many poems being written every day throughout life incessantly.

Solitude Envelopes

Steady rhythms exercising mind and intellect, loving the feeling of peace given through it.

Ecstatically being transported into an interior spiritual dimension, immediately entering a contemplative state of mind and being filled with a joyous energy!

Deepened Enlightenment

Peace escalating in all directions, taking a walk in and through intellectual and creative processes quietly and happily.

Tempos now being pronounced in rapid rhythms, picking up speed, taking this mere poet interiorly into the bluened Light.
Bringing instantaneous peace and joy.

Footprinted Images

Mind walking tempestuously down neural pathways searching for footprinted images that are always present in a photographic memory, awaiting musical rhythms to awaken synapses, teasing and playing with them temptingly.

Awakening and recollecting all memories needed to write into poetry, possibilities being recovered from what people consider impossibilities, for there is a solution as long as you're creatively and critically thinking with both areas of the cortex of one's brain.

Peculiar Way Of Critical Thinking

Tell-tale rhythms quickening their pace, wanting one's full attention in order to listen and write automatically for hours at a time.

Whistling adding to the mixture of musical rhythms, touching always in sequences, patterns, designs of mathematical formulas and equations.

Poet's Last Breath, Again

Often thinking of last moments on earth and what they will contain, wondering whether they will be positive or negative, depending upon the circumstances this poet may be in.

Hoping against all hope to be writing in that exact moment, taking down in poetry, feelings, expectations and wonder of clearly dying and leaving the world this poet was born into.

Keeping Balance And Sanity In Music

Music lulling this mind in its rhythmic sounds that relax and comfort this poetical brain and being, an aphrodisiac in a way that pleases this mind and intellect in ways nothing else on earth can possibly attain.

Such an intense vibrational feeling of peace and solitude that continues to flow through every single particle of this being, always ready to descend into this beautiful environment, yet not always willing to come out into the world again.

Beautiful Symposium Of Life

Turning about and inside out within while listening to musical rhythms flowing into neural pathways of this mind and intellect.

Settling back and into peaceful melodies of acute attraction to this poetical being.

Music Humming

Music humming along neural pathways of beauty and solitude, greeting mind and intellect along the way while continuing to write, never stopping throughout life.

Music having become an essential part of this poetical being throughout life while writing poetry, and coming to the ending of it one day.

Touching Upon Mirrors Of Rhythms

Rhythms invitingly touching mind and synapses, preparing them for adventures through music as it plays temptingly in this brain, awakening images visibly to be written out in lines of poetry.

Being enlivened in this imaginational reality of an interior being, always set apart from the world altogether, living in a space of time alone.

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