RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Generations To Come

Listening to a tribute to 9/11 heroes, truly heartfelt
and inspiring for generations to come, men of honor
being heroes to America for stepping in and rescuing
people from the Twin Towers on that fateful day.

Afraid To Trust

Life is constantly changing, death takes people we love,
the rest of us are left to grieve, life folding over in
an intense sorrow.

Offering It Up

Fighting difficulties, pain and suffering each day,
offering it all up for those in desperate need of
some happiness and joy in their lives.

Pain Comes In All Forms

Yes, pain does come in all forms, loss, having cancer,
being bullied, not being loved in return, others put-
ting you down or looking down on you.

So Little Time

Fascinating and surreal, living life in total oblivion,
never knowing when our last breath will be taken, yet
we continue to go our way, not even thinking about it.

Bad Karma

Surrounded by negative people and their bad karma,
protecting self from their attitudes daily, but
getting tired of it.

Telling Stories

Echoes of past conversations flow into the present,
coming right from videos of this photographic memory,
tumbling into my mind.

One Granddaughter Now Sixteen

Sitting here at the senior center with my Granddaughter,
she's doing her homework on her lap top for summer school,
a very smart young girl.

When Things Seem Impossible

Touching inner workings of my brain through intellect,
soaring into altitudes of other dimensions, finding
new experiences.

Pursuing Me Through Life

Silent, peaceful, settling into an atmosphere of beauty
and enticing love, one with nature and you my dear, hold-
ing my heart in yours gently and tenderly.

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