RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Importance Of Reality's Dreams

Finding nothing important in reality's dreams, unless it
deals with family, and it's love.

Being expressed through the years in many hugs and loving

Shedding Opaque Feelings

Looking at opaque feelings, watching them cloud over,
trying to hide how they feel, so as not to be tormented
by thoughts of other people's narrow-minded views through
emotions and how they should or shouldn't be used in life.

Signs Of Preoccupation

Delving into death's signs of preoccupation,
attempting to figure out his calculations
and equations showing him who to take next.

Ancestor's Spirits

Peaceful lands of desert, filled with the spirits
of life-long ancestors.

Feeling comforted, being held in mountainous arms,

Promising Visions

Searching on future plains to see what will be involved
next in life.

Promising visions, beautifully orchestrated, stand out

Creating New Memories

Waking to a wonderful sound of music, instantly giving
so much energy, taking and sliding on mercury, riding
into another morning.

Appealing To Inner Senses

Remembering growing up in New Jersey, seeing pussy willows
scatteringly across the wide expanse above.

Relaxing, enjoying feelings of dampness, stirring in the

Rhythms Of A Pen

Spinning to rhythms, falling upon this brain rapidly,
stirring and blending thoughts with them, attracting
an inner energy, delighting intellect.

A Lonely Journey

Dancing rhythms coming gently into mind,
a lonely journey beginning in creative

Puzzle Of Existence

Crystal clear rhythms appearing on photographic screens,
rapidly energizing particles of a mind's essence.

Forming and shaping intellect's solemn pieces of intense

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