RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Satisfied Enough

Shaking and blending ideas and thoughts, sprinkling
them through intellect, wanting to see how they'll
affect future thoughts in poetry.

Mother Nature's Bidding

Nature standing tall just outside, looking green and
vibrant, feeling it's peace and serenity even from
within this building.

Love Never Diminishing

Reaching inside for feelings, touching them trans-
cendentally, feeling a surge of love bubbling over
for the one I love so entirely.

Exclusive Privacy

Entering domains of intellect, off limits to everyone
else, enjoying the privacy that's exclusively my own,
able to think and wonder.

Spheres Of Subconsciousness

Meeting my mind within intellect, capturing thoughts and
playing with them, teasing back and forth, enjoying the
humor developing between us constantly.

Empty Like This House

Empty house standing before me, looks the same, but
you're not there within it anymore, everything just
the way you left it.

Clarifying Life

Dreams filling this mind, disappearing upon waking for
a while, reappearing like magic when writing poetry,
delicious and positive, enticing intellect.

Twinkling In Memories

Music filling my mind, strengthening my reserve,
giving me time to begin again with every note in
measures being played.

Living In Spite Of Despair

Walking down avenues of continual sadness and sorrow,
seeing puddles and pools of tears everywhere I look,
knowing they've come from deaths of loss I've had.

Launching Poems

Piloting intellect, soaring through thoughts, en-
joying peace of this heavenly poetical universe,
launching poems into space.

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