RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Wavelengths Of Another Dimension

Mind resonating, vibrating, feeling joy and happiness while music continues playing, writing poetry to match its excellent rhythms.

Moving to beats and energetic waves of neurons and synapses in turn, watching as senses come forward and are being used in a creative process innately.

Touching A Poetical Acoustical Memory

Sounds of melodies now touching pleasure centers of this poetical acoustical memory, having so many intense moments as rhythms calmly, mysteriously, fall into depths of intellect.

Again giving memories a chance to be remembered and relived in musical rhythms, an astounding array of poetical rhythms careening from an interior symphony.

Remembering Days Of Family Togetherness

Riding on imaginational coastal memories of joy, peace and happiness in Wildwood, New Jersey when very young and impressionable.

Remembering those days of family togetherness with a smile, yet with a deep sadness within for those days are long gone, along with our parents and relatives.

Musically Attuned To Nature

Tempted constantly by rhythms of music as they gather and captivate a poet unendingly through life, being attuned to nature, life and humanity all the time.

A positive and peaceful way of creating an interior spirituality that can be held onto daily through experiences, situations, hardships, stress and turmoil of just living every day life.

Poetical Pockets Of Joy

Looking throughout a lifetime for pockets of joy that've lasted through the years in spite of all the sacrifices, hardships and turmoil that have arisen.

Writing everything down, copying it from a photographic mind and memory always standing the test of time, acquiescing everything else just to listen to coded rhythms while writing.

Picking Up Thoughts Through Music

Picking up thoughts gathered and collected in every moment of living on this earth, memories having been made and cherished always on a photographic memory interiorly.

displaying music and its rhythms in details poetry constantly through the years, showing the world how a mere poet has survived and lived a life with a positive attitude and mood.

Vacationing Mind

Mind vacationing in an interior sphere of life, enjoying its wonderfully intense sense of being and peace, thankful for every moment of splendid feelings of joy and happiness.

Music climbing higher into intellect, giving so much energy all at once, keeping an attitude that'll always keep mind and in-
tellect enlivened, alert and always awakened.

Needing Space To Be Alone

Releasing pent-up anger, sorrow, sadness, abandonment and loneliness, holding this heart in a maze of confusion at times because of the cruel meanness of some people.

Often those who cannot understand poetry or intellectual aspirations causing this poet to need to be alone to become and be who I am to be in the future.

Interiorly Writing To Music

Rocking to music as water is heard being splashed through-
out mind and intellect so intensely enticing and playfully while writing poetry.

It's like riding a horse through, galloping through the desert, living an imaginational reality that no one know exists with subconsciousness.

Faithful Existence

Faithfully living an existence on earth, always looking for ways to cope with living with a husband who has Alzheimers and refuses to take his medications.

Becoming more of a burden every day, being spiteful, mean, moody, having temper tantrums, throwing things yelling, his eyes filled with an emptiness, no love to be seen anymore.

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