RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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A Fitting Tribute

Exercising thoughts in succession, giving them each careful, spontaneous consideration.
Watching each one gymnastically fit in a routine and be selected to fill in meanings and definitions in poems.
A fitting tribute to the liberty and freedom of my mind through intellectual imagination.
Giving a reprieve from the mundane occasions of life and it's trials.


Difficulties abound in life,
yet we continue to move forward,
making our way towards the end of our days.
A total commitment of human nature

Soaring Above Life

Soaring above life, stretching it's boundaries, not
wanting to be limited between it's tight constraints.
Lifting me beyond what I've always known.
Splendid beauty gyrating before me in colorful array,

Loving Life

Listening to music, feeling the liberty and freedom of it's rhythm, lifting me spiritually.
Recognizing the beauty of life in every melody I hear, and being carried away with it's airy lightness.

Tantalizing Inner Spirits

Tantalizing inner spirits, creating a playground of intensive freedom, allowing them free rein in pools of thought, awaiting intellect to join in, bringing a special tone to all that enters my mind with musical fractions.

Searching For Reprieve

Collecting Approvals

Following lines of demarcation, penetrating mires of unspoken riddles
set in stones of yesterday's visions.
Collecting approvals within, hoping to have some semblance of
cohesiveness and settling spontaneously in rhythms of togetherness, spinning tales of woe, relating them in poems of bereavement.

Emotionality On Paper

Solidly thinking of all the thoughts that I can share through poetical music.
Placing them delicately in places of beauty, noting their pleasurable feelings as I carefully hold and treasure them within my mind.
Enjoying every step they take on the way to heart-felt words, displaying them emotionally on paper, bringing tears and chills to interior lives as they are read aloud in places of respect and literacy.

Piercing Inner Creativeness

Showing signs of maturity, holding youth closely as I proceed into my senior years with a timid shyness entrenched in my heart.
Piercing an inner creativeness, I loll in pastures and forests, situated in a myriad of natural dimensions.
Quietly stepping into an atmosphere of other dimensional visions, calmly attaining the peace I deserve without any interference.

Framing Pictures

Quietly listening to all mannerisms within as I observe everything.
Feeling contented, happy, just to be able to think creatively through imagination.
Subconsciously rehearsing tones, matching words as they sound so alike and writing down meanings as they make perfect sense to my brain.
Accomplishing extraordinary perception through all senses as I continually entice them from melodies I hear and compose inside.

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