RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Tender Grief

Suddenly feeling totally alone, tears mounting in blue eyes, trying to spill out, expressing sadness.
Yet, I won't allow them to, as I sit and listen to saddened melodies touching my mind's heart with tender grief.

Imagination's Circles

Noting rhythms standing alone, listening to no other drummers.
A solo life, explicitly talented in realms of imagination's reality,
following circles of enlightenment, tangling with vocals of reticent memories.
Songs being written as they are silently composed and played, turning over constantly with overwhelming ferocity.

Fading Into Lines

Falling into lines, seeing canyons turn into abysses of failure, at times losing all hope and other times finding an excuse to keep on going.
Sorrow dwelling in every particle and atom of being, forever etched in grief.
Never placated, tenderly touching my heart with memories unglorified, saturated with tears, and crystalized in glass visions; fading colors of the rainbow as drops of sadness fall into depths of my heart.

Riding Highways

Riders, all ages, nationalities, shapes and sizes, coming together for pleasurable events and companionship.
Silent voices, mingling with the environment, tasting lasting morsels of life as it is ridden down natural highways for individual reasons.

Stilted Conversations

Knowing silhouettes are gathering in the background, mingling with past images, taking cover when memories rear their heads.
Trying not to focus on a realm of sadness, preferring to accumulate some joy and happiness for the time being.
Stilted conversation, never knowing what to say, yet, in writing, never at a loss for words, expressions and diction.
Longings filling every paragraph and somehow spreading truth throughout the poetical world.

Soothing Memories

Biker's Charity Runs

Milling around, watching people and their individual quirks; eating, drinking, talking, catching up on the news, whatever it may be.
Idle gossip flying about in regards to bike runs and charity do's.
All of one heart, taking life seriously, knowing it is shortened every moment.
Hoping to gather enough purpose before the last sunset buries them on a future horizon.

From The Hip

Summer heat, beating down on heads, enjoying a bar-b-que and live band.
Sunglasses sitting on faces, growing redder with every second.
Blotting foreheads with napkins, soaking up sweat from the noon-day sun.
Shooting straight from the hip, portraying life in honest detail, leaving out nothing but lies.

Walling Sentiments

Gathering pillows of regret, setting them upon a couch of memories, hoping they'll mesh and find an empathy weighing upon my heart.
Solace doesn't come easily, I sit and contemplate every angle seen in poetic lights.
Walling sentiments on edges of mountainsides, balancing them with breaths of air as they escalate in meaning, melding

Unraveling Interiorly

Solitary thought, sitting by the wayside, wondering at it's intense vibrations of emotion.
Unraveling interiorly, bringing an energy to a hidden potential, allowing it to come into itself.
Fragily holding onto a peace given from above.

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