RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Poet's Soul

Angelic Energy

Partaking of angelic solos, enervating energy and
placing it on pedastals of enjoyment for tomorrow.
Signing autographs in atmosphere's of silence, as
life revolves through another dimension, following

Unknown Wisdom Of A Tree

Gnarled, wizened, being blown about
by wind's gales of laughter.
Yet filled with wisdom's vast
knowledge, as it twists and turns

Family Camping

Unwanted Journey

Entrenched in a saddened abyss, tears flowing like a river
from my heart and soul.

Transporting me to another dimension, one where I can speak

Sketching Ideas

Touching life with music, sending vibrations reverberating
into atmospheres of lively anticipation.

Conquering lies with truth, feeling emotions with every

Fearful Voice

Little voice timidly singing, afraid of the audience,
not yet sure of her confidence and voice.

Silently, continuing anyway, enjoying the music as it

Musical Road Of Life

Off-key, trembling voices, missing words along the way.
Yet, they're trying their best on roads of life.
Taking listening to utmost directives, smiling, giggling
when they make mistakes - still carrying on with courage

Riding Horizons

Riding horizons on rhythms, recalling younger days when life
was brilliant and so satisfying.
Tokens of memories remind me of family, so close, now gone
away from earth.

Life's Grace

All things set around me, mean nothing without family.
Purposeful life can never be without a foundation of
flowering gardens, surrounding minds with reminders of
yesterday's hearts full of love, poured out for an

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