RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Embers Of Thought

Storm clouds hovering over fantastic mountain formations,
casting shadows up and down their sides,
touching coals of my mind.
Stirring up embers of thought,

Wind Gusts

Wind blowing naturally through trees,
swaying them roughly with brazen breezes,
taking them beyond what they can endure.
Waving frantically to and fro, hoping for

Nature Flights

Flights of nature continue their journeys on any given
day, placing themselves in pathways of humans.
Set there to conquer doubtful failure of sensation and

View Of A Poet

Patterns of light and shadow
filtering down to earth,
displaying dwarf palm trees,
rocks and dirt.

Quiet Freedom

Nature waving to my mind, reminding me of it's wonder,
wanting itself written into poetry for posterity.
Leafy shadows caressing hundred degree concrete with
mindful touches, delicately performed, doing no harm.

Echoes Of Thought

Silence running rampant through my mind,
playing it's melodies in sublime beauty;
taking essence's of flowers and ruminating
throughout echoes of thought,

Lonely Depressions

Lights chasing folks dancing
in rooms of loneliness,
following themselves in
saddened depressions of

Feelings Reaching Within

Pedaling through the rain as it falls within my brain, giving a hue of bluened light, surrounding, picking me up, giving senses of calm, reassuring me of who I am within.
Feelings reaching up within me, wanting to be held, cleansed, loved unconditionally for what they are.
Human nature bound by emotions, taking us through every adventure of life that we surmount in time.

Blossoming Answers

Wanting many things, all of them little - important to my being.
Sequestering myself, going over them in my mind, causing reflections
to mirror them back, allowing me to expand and convert them from
abstracts into messages of reality.

A Little Bronx In Arizona

Heart-stomping rhythms hitting my mind with their
melodies and tunes.
Enlivening my spirit as I saunter down avenues of
enticing music, listening with my soul while it's

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