RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Interior Flow

Sitting alone, thinking about nothing and everything at once.
Separating and blending every abstracted thought, connecting each one to musical notes filled with colorful emotions and memories etched in photographic pictures of thought.

Weighing Situations

Chasing away a myriad of doubts, stalking me interiorly.
Wondering if I'll ever be able to concentrate on needs that are pressing me agitatedly throughout life.
Standing alone, rightfully weighing situations and circumstances

Flaring Ambition

Life-long ambitions flare up and want to be fulfilled without reserve, yet we ignore them and find other things to occupy our minds.
Much to our detriment, later on in life, as we struggle doing things we'd rather not be doing.
In the end, regretting our forlorn decisions and merely existing in an abandoned corner of our worlds, alone, forsaking even ourselves.

Intellect's Test

Reaching words in picturesque thoughts upon an inner screen, taking them in and out of context, whittling away, placing them into extraordinary circumstances to see how they stand the test of intellect.

Mind Calluses

Soothing calluses of my mind with balms of writing through music.
Tell-tale signs of repetition circling endings of life, bringing them back around for the second time to be remembered and held close for a while.
Bringing tears to mind afterwards, flowing downstream and into vaults of steel.

Interior Depths

Falling into depths of interior imagination,
swimming among it's blue, crystal liquid
waters, touching the feelings hiding beneath
it's surface.

No Reproductions

Feeling Waves

Rolling over the ground in my mind,
feeling waves of nausea off and on.
Trying to carry on and write through
it all at times is difficult, yet

Scents Of Love

Listening in my mind as thoughts cogitate and
let themselves be known.
Opening like blossoms,
filling the atmosphere with lovely descriptions of life

Periods Of Time

Butterflies flitting over the lawn, exercising their wings and exploring other worlds right around them.
So graceful and softly flowing, leaving their presence soaring around my intellect, touching parts that haven't been written about

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