RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Our World

Sharing with others should always be done while we're on
earth, taking care of each other, leaving hatred, violence
and intolerance to die like weeds in the hot Arizona sun.

Crying Tears Of Sadness Through Tempos Of Music

Favorite song enlivening this poet, heart belonging to its rhythms, thinking about this life and its ending, wondering how and where it will end.

Looking at everything as if it's the first and last time that it will be seen in the coming days, this mere poet taking this soul into heavenly gates above.

Love Burning Brightly

Oh my love, burning brightly through the night, out-
shining the moon and twinkling stars on behalf of my

Disrespecting Family

Being amongst people in a restaurant, couples sitting to-
gether talking, families with children, enjoying their
time with one another.

Simple Little Lives

Settling into the evening quietly, just people watching,
entertaining myself with their actions, observing every
detail at length.

Crystal Desert

Strutting through a crystal desert, walking into its arid environment pulling water from within every body, dehydrating and leaving them alone.

Letting them wander into and out of cacti standing guard while watching those people who take nothing for granted, yet wanting everything to be handed to them.

Family Tradition Of Love

Family tradition, the best in the world, passed from
one generation to another with agility and grace.
Welcoming, fully tantalizing, enfolding all family
members, holding roots through the centuries.

Waiting In Revlon's Waiting Area

In the lap of luxury, sitting in the lobby at Revlon,
waiting for a friend to come back.

Looking around seeing there are square tubes hanging

This Soul's Serenity

Riding, galloping into deserts and mountains, resting
in the saddle, feeling at ease in my particular element
of life.

A Security Guard's Sister

Devastatingly beautiful, peaceful soul and spirit lying in
cancer's embrace, dying minute by minute before our eyes.

Memories flash quickly in and out of our lives together

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