Robert Fuller Murray Poems

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A Criticism Of Critics

How often have the critics, trained
To look upon the sky
Through telescopes securely chained,
Forgot the naked eye.

A Swinburnian Interlude

Short space shall be hereafter
Ere April brings the hour
Of weeping and of laughter,

Adventure Of A Poet

As I was walking down the street
A week ago,
Near Henderson's I chanced to meet
A man I know.

Catullus At His Brother’s Grave

Through many lands and over many seas
I come, my Brother, to thine obsequies,
To pay thee the last honours that remain,

After Many Days

The mist hangs round the College tower,
The ghostly street
Is silent at this midnight hour,
Save for my feet.

A Street Corner

Here, where the thoroughfares meet at an angle
Of ninety degrees (this angle is right),
You may hear the loafers that jest and wrangle

Welcome Home

The fire burns bright
And the hearth is clean swept,
As she likes it kept,
And the lamp is alight.

Hope Deferred

When the weary night is fled,
And the morning sky is red,
Then my heart doth rise and say,
`Surely she will come to-day.'

A Ballad Of Refreshment

The lady stood at the station bar,
(Three currants in a bun)
And oh she was proud, as ladies are.
(And the bun was baked a week ago.)

Love's Phantom

Whene'er I try to read a book,
Across the page your face will look,
And then I neither know nor care
What sense the printed words may bear.

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